Technology – apps and links to make your business life easier
Technology is continually updating and it is difficult to keep abreast of what is available. There is no doubt that using technology will help you drive efficiency resulting in more profits and less time needed to complete tasks. Have a look at some of these as...
3 steps to successful face to face networking
'Networking is not selling' and if that is the only message you take from this article then I have been successful. Networking is about building relationships with people so that they get to know, like and most importantly of all trust you. Why is trust important?...
3 important questions you need to consider
What will you do differently this year to get you closer to your dream? Are you prepared to invest anything to help you drive your business forward? Are you prepared to try a proven plan? If you have seen the film Groundhog Day you will know...
How much did you invest in yourself in 2022?
The day you stop learning about life and business is the day you take your last breath. As someone who has spent more than 40 years across four sectors I am continuously learning and I do not see that changing anytime soon (well hopefully 🙂 I have set aside...
Make 2023 your best year ever for business!
If you have seen the film Groundhog Day you will know that the main character played by Bill Murray finds himself in a place where every day is the same as yesterday. He wakes up each morning to the same tune on the radio and every event that happened yesterday is...
Are you wasting money on customer service?
My wife purchased Hula Hoops BBQ Beef flavour for me from our local Tesco which was a surprise as they were out of stock for some time. It was a pack that contained seven bags and a favourite of mine. The first mouth full tasted stale and so I tried a second...
5 more tips for better public speaking
I was invited by the organisers of the London Climate Technology Conference to emcee this important conference that included many distinguished speakers and panelists. It was a packed agenda over a two day period and I would like to share with you five more...
How ‘present’ are you and your employees?
It was about 3.00 in the afternoon one Tuesday recently and I was walking along a pathway that runs adjacent to a narrow slip road that leads to our local shopping centre. As I looked over towards the entrance I saw a schoolgirl in uniform probably in her mid-teens...
5 tips for better public speaking
I was invited by the organisers of Tech Connect Live to emcee the main stage at their 2022 event. In tandem I was also going to moderate a panel discussion on the 'Evolution of Digital Transformation' and deliver my own keynote 'The Unintended Consequences...
Recession, what recession?
There is a recession coming, how do I know, because every day we get further away from the last one, we get a day closer to the next one, fact. It is very easy to forget past experiences as we enjoy the benefits of the good times, however, we must be...