Networking is still the most effective way to drive new business!
Networking for Professional Services

Unless you are selling your products or services online your number one way to get new business is and always has been through networking. Networking is a skill that has been lost in the modern world of smart devices but can be learned very quickly and when practised will open up a whole new stream of income. Once you see it in action you will understand why ‘speed networking’ and other quick fixes are a waste of time. As a bonus your social life benefit from what you are doing naturally and with confidence.
As the founder of the Virtual Business Owners Network ( and the longest serving member of Ireland’s premier networking organisation, Dublin Chamber of Commerce let me show you what I have learnt over the last 40 years and why it still works.
Feel confident, knowing what to say and how to position your organisation when meeting new people. Remember, this is about building relationships rather than losing people after the one off sale. This long-term strategy will give you stunning results once you implement it correctly and consistently.
Ideal for Breakfast Briefings and Lunch and Learn sessions which will be tailored to fit the allotted time you have available.
Why not invite some of your clients and use this event as part of your marketing strategy. Be seen as someone interested in helping your clients to grow their business and benefit from the PR that goes with it.
Time required
2 hours including Q&A
(if the audience would like extra time for the Q&A it shall be provided FREE of charge)
Workshop Cost
Zoom €697 plus VAT
Face to Face in Dublin €697 plus VAT, other locations on request

Client Testimonial
“Alec recently spoke at our Sydney Diamond Club session and the feedback I received from our attendees was that Alec shared information about networking in such a way he made us think in contexts we hadn’t considered before. I believe the mark of a great speaker is someone who helps the audience think in ways they’ve not thought before. Alec certainly did this. Thanks Alec!”
Sabiha Vorajee, Senior HR Strategy Specialist / Board Advisor / Coach & Mentor / Writer