What Is Holding You Back?

by | Oct 18, 2023 | Articles

Here are some of the challenges SME business owners face when it comes to growing their businesses. These challenges can vary depending on the industry sector you are in, location, and economic conditions. They can be overcome if tackled methodically but that only happens if you are proactive and engage with someone to guide you and hold you accountable. This is often a business coach who has practical experience of what it is to be in business and understands the challenges of overcoming day-to-day issues such as stress and time management.


Access to Capital: In my 40+ years of business I see this all of the time. Most businesses start with little or no capital and find themselves on the back foot from the start. Finance is difficult to secure but there are creative ways around this challenge that many business owners fail to use such as bartering, invoice financing, grants and other agency supports.


Cash Flow Management: Many SMEs face cash flow problems, often due to delayed payments from customers. On top of this, they may have too much cash tied up in stock which can hinder their ability to meet expenses, invest in growth, and pay their bills on time. Careful stock management can be achieved through support from suppliers and the use of technology to help reduce too many SKUs being held.


Market Competition: SMEs often compete with larger corporations, which may have more extensive resources, marketing budgets, and established brand recognition. This competition can make it challenging to gain market share. However, the agility of SMEs should not be underestimated particularly when a market changes and a strategic plan identifies and allows the owner to target niche markets more successfully.


Regulatory Compliance: Navigating complex and evolving regulations can be particularly challenging for small businesses. Compliance with Revenue, labour regulations, and industry-specific rules can be time-consuming and costly. This area is becoming more and more challenging and expert advice must be sought. You may get this through your network, by bartering your service or in other creative ways. Do not underestimate the cost of a failure to comply as it may ultimately put you out of business.


Talent Acquisition and Retention: Attracting and retaining skilled employees can be difficult for SMEs, especially when they are unable to offer the same salaries and benefits as larger companies. We are currently in a market with full employment so it is difficult to get employees at a competitive rate. What incentives can you offer? I am not talking about money. For example, remote working, placement overseas, and collaboration online. Many possibilities can be explored depending on your sector.


Technology Adoption: Staying up-to-date with technology is crucial in today’s business environment. SMEs may struggle with the cost and expertise required to implement and maintain the latest tech solutions. My experience teaches me that this is a double-edged sword. There are so many choices about technology that business owners are confused so back off implementing any automations that have huge productivity savings. I have discussed this in my networking group called the Virtual Business Owners Network (VBON) which is free to join www.virtualbon.com for more details.


Marketing and Branding: Effective marketing and building a strong brand presence are essential for growth. SMEs may lack the resources or expertise to develop and execute comprehensive marketing strategies.


What Is Holding You Back? - Alec Drew (2)


Scaling Challenges: Scaling a business can be tricky, as it requires careful planning, additional resources, and the ability to maintain the quality of products or services as the business grows.


Access to Markets: Expanding into new markets, whether local or international, can be challenging due to limited networks and resources. Exporting, for instance, can involve regulatory and logistical complexities.


Risk Management: SMEs may not have the same risk management practices in place as larger corporations, making them more vulnerable to unexpected economic downturns, natural disasters, or other disruptions.


Customer Relationship Management: Building and maintaining strong customer relationships is essential for long-term success. SMEs must invest time and effort in this area to compete effectively.


Lack of Business Expertise: Many small business owners are experts in their field but may lack the broader business knowledge required to manage all aspects of their company effectively.


Global Economic Factors: SMEs can be more susceptible to economic fluctuations, as they may lack the resources to weather economic downturns or external shocks.


Access to Networks and Support: Building connections, both within the industry and in the community, can be challenging for SMEs. Networking and access to business support services can be limited.


Sustainability and Environmental Concerns: Growing awareness of environmental and sustainability issues may affect SMEs, as they may need to invest in more eco-friendly practices or adapt to changing consumer preferences.


Overcoming these challenges often requires a combination of strategic planning, financial management, innovation, and adaptability. Seeking support from business associations, government programs, mentors, and professional advisors can also help SME owners navigate these hurdles and achieve sustainable growth.