Could they be right under your nose?
We are all looking for new business and we spend so much time focussed on the new opportunities it is easy to overlook what may be under our nose. I don't need to remind you how much easier it is to get business from those who know you already as opposed to...
Is your business journey a lonely one?
One of the most common things I come across is SME business owners at the coalface, under continuous pressure resulting in stress, poor health and less time for family and loved ones. What makes it so sad is that there is another way, a better way but it takes a...
Presumption can be expensive
I thought that you meant..... is a familiar comment to hear in business and is the starting point for a potential row, usually an expensive one. You were clear at the meeting, you presumed that everyone was on the same page but something has been lost in...
7 practical tips to make internal meetings more productive
We have all attended them, the meeting that rambles on with no clear focus or outcomes, where petty squabbles and side issues suck the energy out of the room. You may be asked to chair one of these meetings so here are 7 tips that will help you create a productive...
Have you a process in place when you lose a customer/client?
We all lose customers and it is part of the natural cycle of business but it is important to understand why it happened as it may prevent further losses down the line. What I tend to find when working with clients is that they are too busy chasing new business to...
How to make your Email user friendly
Apart from Social Media the predominant business tool for communications is email. Unfortunately we all tend to use it in different ways and what I would like to do is to suggest ways that will make it more effective, more productive and more safe. Let me...
What is the value of an organisation chart?
When we are starting out in business we have the ability to remember virtually every aspect of our business. It is in our head and we can access that information quickly and easily. It is not the ideal way to run a business but it suffices, however, this system...
60 powerful business apps for a better and easier life
Here is a range of apps for both your business and personal life that are designed to make your life easier. Images Cleanpng Transparent png files Flaticon Free with subscription options...
What do you do?
What do you do maybe one of the most common questions you are asked and it is natural for people to reply by saying IT, we have an Accountancy practice or something similar. On the surface it appears to answer the question but does it really and are you missing an...
Would you like some practical help with your business?
Have you just started a business, are you thinking of starting a business or are you looking for guidance as you navigate your way through the business jungle. Join me this Thursday to find out how you can bring certainty and structure to your business. #business...