90% of the professionals I meet are undercharging for their service
Higher Fees for the Same Work

Calculate the real costs of supplying the service you provide to ensure you are being paid the fees you deserve for your work? Charging for time is only acceptable in a very small number of sectors and once it is presented in a prescribed way, however, most decision makers dislike it and are more likely to give the business to someone with a transparent model of charging. We do not sell time, we sell our knowledge skills and experience and in this workshop we will look at how to package that in a way that delivers real profits and removes arguments.
Every professional services organisation I have met over the last 40+ years gives away ‘000’s in lost fees every year without calculating its true impact. How do I know? I was guilty of doing it myself but quickly realised the negative impact it was having on the bottom line. Most professionals I meet hate the business side of what they do and would prefer to concentrate on giving the client the benefit of their knowledge, skills and experience, but you and the client must have a mutually beneficial relationship.
This is not rocket science but a series of practical ideas that you can implement today once you understand why they work. With a little effort you can transform your income, gain greater respect from your clients and confidently sack the challenging ones who keep you awake at night. This investment will pay you many times over and the only question you will have is, why did I not do this before now?
Time required
2 hours including Q&A
(if the audience would like extra time for the Q&A it shall be provided FREE of charge)
Workshop Cost
Zoom €675 plus VAT
Face to Face in Dublin €675 plus VAT, other locations on request

Workshop Testimonial
“Well done yesterday, we got great feedback from members.”
Teresa Harte – CPD Officer, RIAI