The Business of being in Business
Every organisation whether you are an SME business or a large corporation can be broken down into two distinct areas, the skills, knowledge and products you sell and The Business of being in Business. Large organisations have the resources of being able to bring in-house all of the skills needed to running a business whereas SME business owners have limited resources which requires them to try and do some of the work themselves and then hire in certain skills as they need them. Many business owners struggle to differentiate where the real value of employing professionals makes sense because they underestimate the skills needed and the time taken to complete tasks that most of them hate doing anyway. On top of that SME business owners are time poor as they find themselves at the coal face daily dealing with problems that could be dealt with in a more planned way. There is no doubt that an experienced coach would make a significant difference but again financial constraints often blur the real benefit of such an investment.
Here is what a journey could look like for you. I can help you take that journey with my team of experienced professionals. If this is of interest why not have a conversation in confidence and without obligation. This is the time of the year to be planning for next year and what can you do to make 2022 be better than 2021?
Module 1 – Outline of a Strategic Plan, why you need one, the basic components, vision, mission, values, 2-year plan/5-year plan
Module 2 – What do you do, how do you articulate that, consistent message, branding
Module 3 – Company structure, organisation chart, SWOT/PEST analysis, equipment, fixtures & fittings, premises, technology
Module 4 – Processes, customer journey, project journey
Module 5 – Finance, simple Cash Flow, management information systems, understanding your costs, getting the correct fees, managing debt, finance options, exit strategy
Module 6 – Employees, culture, recruitment, retention, HR
Module 7 – Sales and Marketing, marketing plan, CRM, networking, competitor analysis, budgets
Module 8 – Suppliers, managing performance