Free Yourself In Just 4 Weeks
Your Roadmap to Business Freedom
When it comes to running a business, what does freedom mean to you? Making your own decisions, having more time with loved ones or being financially secure? If only it was that simple.
Most SME business owners are slaves to their own business because they are time-poor and missing vital information.
Imagine your business running like a finely tuned engine, where everyone knows their role, everyone contributes, and customers not only buy your products or services but refer you to their friends.
Imagine having more time with loved ones, being financially secure and having a clear route into the future. You can achieve this when all of the components of your business are in place.
If you would like to know more let’s have a free, confidential and no obligations chat to see if this is a fit for you.
If you would like to know more let’s have a free, confidential and no obligations chat to see if this is a fit for you.
Week 1
Module 1
- Where are you going, where are you now, what resources do you have, what do you need, put a plan in place, monitor your journey
- The basics of a Strategic Plan and how to make yours relevant to you
- Vision, mission and values
- The importance of experts, how to get value
- 2-year plan and longer-term goals
- Exit strategy
Documents supplied – Where are you now assessment, Strategic Plan checklist
Module 2
- What do you do, for whom and and why it is important to be clear about your offering
- How to create your unique message that resonates with all audiences and is consistent
- What is a brand, a logo, collateral and what you may need to consider
- Working with designers and similar professionals and how to extract value
Documents supplied – What do you do exercise, Collateral Audit, Design Brief
Week 2
Module 3
- Company structure – where does everyone fit within your business
- Understand the people working for you, their roles
- SWOT analysis
- Identifying your assets and managing them
Documents supplied – SWOT Analysis, Asset document, sample Organisation Chart
Module 4
- The value of processes
- Enquiry process
- Customer journey
- Project journey
- Closing process
- How processes integrate
Documents supplied – sample processes that you can adapt to suit your business
Week 3
Module 5
- The importance of a good Accountant
- Simple cash flow
- Identifying costs
- Management Information Systems
- Getting the right price/fees
- Managing debt
- Finance options
Documents supplied – sample Cash Flow spreadsheet
Module 6
- Engaging with recruitment and HR professionals
- Things to consider around employment
- The importance of creating the right culture
- Recruitment options
- Retention of employees
- HR – the basics
Documents supplied – sample Training Plan
Week 4
Module 7
- How to engage with potential customers/clients
- Proposals that succeed
- What does a marketing plan look like
- Competitor analysis
Documents supplied – Discovery process template, proposal template
Module 8
- Discover your hidden assets
- The true art of networking that builds into a long-term resource
- The importance of suppliers
- Your competitors are not your enemies, the importance of collaboration
Documents supplied – Circle of Influence chart
Starting Tuesday 6th February at 5.00pm and every Tuesday after that for 4 weeks.
Workshop Cost
€987 plus VAT

Client Testimonial
Alec recently spoke at our Sydney Diamond Club session and the feedback I received from our attendees was that Alec shared information about networking in such a way he made us think in contexts we hadn’t considered before. I believe the mark of a great speaker is someone who helps the audience think in ways they’ve not thought before. Alec certainly did this. Thanks Alec!
Sabiha Vorajee, Senior HR Strategy Specialist / Board Advisor / Coach & Mentor / Writer